You’ve done the hard work, now it’s time to get going with your new Workday Test Automation tool.

Experience advanced testing capabilities with LogicaCloud’s cutting-edge tool, ‘ilumn’—your dedicated test partner. ilumn is a Test Automation solution that provides over 3000 pre-built test scenarios to ensure both efficiency and accuracy in testing. It offers a comprehensive testing experience that minimizes risk, reduces costs, and accelerates execution rates. ilumn is an innovative tool that can help optimize your Workday testing journey.

What Does ilumn Deliver

1. Data Comparison between Tenants

Compare Integration Output files as deliverable files.
Conduct a data changes audit for accuracy.

2. Integration Testing

Ensure flawless functionality of new or existing integrations. Test after updates, or changes in business processes.

3. Business Process Flows

Verify the proper functioning of business processes.  Confirm notifications to relevant Security groups and successful record.

4. Security Configuration

Ensure the robustness of security design for new releases and process changes. Verify that employees and managers have appropriate access.

5. Reports Audit

Meticulously compare report filters, sub-filters, and calculated fields.
Validate accuracy under various user access scenarios and full-data loads.

6. Configuration Comparison

Ensure consistency in updates and changes between tenants.

Perform meticulous configuration comparisons.

Key Features of ilumn

How Can We Help

Improve Workday Configuration Accuracy, Cut Manual Testing Costs, and Effort

Validate Reports & Analytics

Test accuracy and reliability of Workday-generated reports, dashboards, and analytics.

Extensive Test Coverage

Ensure testing covers all critical functions, integrations, workflows, and processes in Workday.

Test Data Management

Manage test data for realistic scenarios, data accuracy, and privacy compliance.

Automation Efficiency

Leverage tools to streamline repetitive testing tasks, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

Change Management

Develop a robust strategy for seamless transitions and user adoption of Workday updates.

Performance Assessment

Conduct tests to assess system stability, responsiveness, and scalability under different conditions.

Security Validation

  Identify vulnerabilities, validate access controls, and secure sensitive employee data.

Regression Assurance

Implement tests to ensure system changes don’t introduce defects or impact existing functions.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Collaborate with end-users in UAT to validate Workday meets their requirements.

Continuous Testing

  Embrace practices integrating testing into development, enabling faster feedback loops and releases.
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